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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, April 8, 2022

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“Stewardship is the act of organizing your life so that God can spend you.” 

  • Father Ronald has sent an email to your student emails. Make sure to check for it.

  • If you took a Rice Bowl for Lent and have it here, please bring to Fr. Ronald's office.  Otherwise, please them in after the Easter break.

  • Yearbook staff, your pages have been assigned in hjedesign.  Please check and let Mrs. Griggs know if you did not get a pages assignment.  Over spring break, please work on template and narrowing down your photo selections.  Email Mrs. Griggs if you have questions.

  • When we return from Spring Break, nominations will be open to run for a position on the student government executive board. The deadline is 2:40 pm on Tuesday, April 26. The election will be held on Friday, April 29. An email explaining the process has been sent to all student emails. Please read it and consider participating! 

  • Rock Island High School will be holding a Construction Trades Career Expo in their gymnasium on Wednesday, April 13th at 3:30-5:00 for anyone interested.

  • Mrs. Cox period D Geometry please report to Period D today.

  • Volunteer Opportunities: Spring Clean-up at St.Vincent’s Cemetery, Rt.351  LaSalle,IL 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (depending on weather and number of volunteers there may be other days that week in which volunteers will be needed.) General clean-up will be picking up trash, old decorations, sticks, pine cones etc. and depositing those items in a designated area. To Volunteer contact:   Jeff Hayden (815) 200-5543 call or text or email:

  • Volunteers needed on Saturday April 30th at the Habit for Health 10k and 3 mile Fun Run/Walk at St. Margaret’s Family Heath Center in Spring Valley.  More details to follow when school resumes after Easter break.

  • Mrs. Wagner and Ms. Bernabei would like to thank all of the Ambassadors, freshman guides, teachers and staff that helped make this year’s Shadow Days a huge success. We had 65 8th graders come visit over the last 2 weeks and they all left with very good impressions of St. Bede Academy thanks to your help and positive attitudes.

  • Seniors, Mrs. Griggs has emailed you a google form link to the senior yearbook survey.  Please complete questions.  Answers will be printed in the yearbook along with your senior photo.  See Mrs. Griggs if you have questions.

  • Boys’ Tennis team please check Google classroom for Spring Break schedule updates.


  • The following, please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom: Katie Zeller, Elizabeth Vanko Lacey Griggs, Abraham Wiesbrock, Phillip Gray and Brady Flanagan.

  • Anyone planning to play volleyball next year please report to the main office now.

  • All boarders leaving for spring break meet in The Loft now.

  • Jaxon Kozak and Kathleen Hunter please bring your chromebooks to Mr. Hancock now.

  • Anyone who ordered Spring Sport photos please come to the main office now.