ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, April 19, 2024
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You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.
SAT Word of the Day:
obstreperous – adj. noisy and difficult to control; disorderly
The 7th graders were OBSTREPEROUS at recess.
Lectio groups today during lunch periods in Miss Brady's room on 1st floor. Check signs for your day and lunch period. Today Freshmen and some others 1st Lunch, Seniors 2nd Lunch.
Sophomores and Juniors- please check your email! If you received an email from Mrs. Theisinger earlier this week- please get the google form filled out ASAP! If you are unsure if you filled it out, please stop and see her! Thank you!
Seniors, Mrs. Griggs needs all yearbook surveys completed by today. It will only take a few minutes to complete. Please finish today.
Votes have been tallied and the favorite Oreo cookie flavors have been determined! The #1 flavor of Oreo cookie is Birthday Cake, #2 Mint, #3 Golden, #4 Chocolate Peanut Butter, #5 Original, #6 Toffee, #7 Chocolate, #8 Lemon, #9 Churro and #10 Java. Cookies were judged on Look, Smell, Texture, Dunkability, and Overall Experience. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Soph & juniors: please let Ms. Bernabei or Mr. McLaughlin know if you want to take one of the new dual credit courses offer next year. Class of 2026 can take dual credit US History and class of 2025 can take College Algebra. Let us know by Monday to save your spot in the class!
Seniors: don’t forget to complete all items on the TO DO list! See Ms. Bernabei if you need help.
Mrs. Nambo will be doing screenings throughout the day. Please enter the BLC through Ms. Wright’s side and only come to the BLC if you are needing one-on-one tutoring with one of the teachers during their assigned periods or Ms. Wright.
Lots of opportunities to support your Bruins this weekend. Check out the baseball or softball games tomorrow at 10:00 and Noon, the IV All-Star Basketball Games Saturday at 4:00 and 6:00, or the Spring Concert on Sunday at 5:00!
All Ambassadors NOT playing softball/baseball, please meet in the Loft.
All Stage Rats please see Fr. Dom in room 107 during homeroom.