ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, March 12, 2024
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Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
SAT Word of the Day:
flagrant – adj. obviously offensive
The students were punished for their FLAGRANT disrespect of the dress code.
Lenten class charity collection update on percentage or your goal: Seniors 51%; Juniors 21%; Sophomores 109%; Freshmen 33%.
Looking for an opportunity to earn a service hour? See Miss Brady sometime today.
Congratulations to our WYSE Team on their standout performance at sectionals, taking 1st place as a team. Team members earned the following honors: Yigit Arslan, 1st in physics and 2nd in computer science; Abe Wiesbrock, 3rd place in computer science; Gordon Chen, 1st in chemistry and 2nd in math; Zach Popurella, 2nd in physics, and Ella Englehaupt, 3rd in computer science and 3rd in math. Next up for WYSE is the state competition - Good Luck Bruins!!!!!!
Congratulations to both the Varsity Baseball and Softball teams who opened their seasons with shutout wins. Baseball won 12-0 in 5 innings over Kewanee, while softball beat Peoria Notre Dame 8-0. Way to go Bruins!
St. Bede is starting a new annual day of giving on St. Benedict’s Day, March 21st. This day of giving honors St. Benedict, the monk who founded the Benedictine rule and tradition St. Bede’s monastic community continues to follow today. To celebrate St. Benedict’s Day, staff, faculty and students can receive a pair of limited edition SBA socks with a $20 or more donation. Donations can be dropped off in the Development Department before March 19th. Sport your socks with everyone on March 21st.
Ambassadors who signed up to work the phonathon please plan to attend a training session during homeroom on Thursday.
All those going on the Mystery Trip, see Fr. Ronald now.
All seniors going to Panama: meet in Miss Brady’s room now.
Meeting for all Stage Rats during homeroom in room 107.
Grace Gahan, please see Mr. Steben.