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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, March 4, 2024

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A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • abysmal (uh-BIZZ-mul) – adj. Terrible

      • Mr. Steben drank his coffee to wake up after an ABYSMAL night of sleep.

  •  Our next Lenten collection will be at our service on Thursday.

  • This is the last day of TEC.  Please keep Grady Gillan, Casey Shearer, Logan Pineda, Jack Maschmann and Hunter Savage in your prayers.

  • The final Girls' TEC of the year is April 13-15.  If you want an application or more information, see Fr. Ronald.

  • Ambassadors: we will have our weekly meeting today after school in the Fishbowl.

  • Attention freshmen: The lists of Shadows is outside Mr. Steben’s office, or is available at the link in your announcements. We will meet tomorrow during homeroom to go over your responsibilities on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Remember, if you are interested in hosting a Shadow but do not see your name, we still have two more days next week so you may be scheduled then.

  • An IVCC rep will be at St. Bede on Wednesday during periods G, H & for a short time after school to meet with all seniors who will be attending next year.  You only need to attend for one period, not both. Any student planning to take a summer school class should also attend. Please RSVP at the link in your email or see Ms. Bernabei now. Read the email carefully so you know what you need to bring to the meeting.

  • Juniors & seniors who are seriously considering entering a union after high school should sign up to attend the Illinois Valley Building Trades Career Expo, March 12, all day. Learn about the application process for 18 different unions: Boilermakers, Carpenters, Electricians, Operators, Teamsters and more. See your email for more info and the link to sign up. See Ms. Bernabei for more info.

  • Scholastic Bowl: today's bus for regionals at Amboy departing from the Science Center after school. Good luck Bruins!

  • Happy School Social Worker Week to our very own Mrs. Theisinger! Thank you for all you do!

  • Congratulations to RJ Hermosillo on his new PRs in 50 meter freestyle, 100 meter freestyle, and 200 meter individual medley at swimming districts. RJ will also be competing in the 100 meter breaststroke at the state swim competition in St. John, Indiana on March 9. Good luck!

  • Our next future college student-athlete is Reagan Stoudt! Reagan has committed to the University of Texas at San Antonio to pitch and play utility for their softball. She will also major in pre-law and minor in Español. If you are a current senior planning to play college sports next year, please let Mr. Steben know! Happy signing, Bruins!

  • All Bruins are invited to the PSC tomorrow, Tuesday, at 5pm as Max Bray will be signing his Letter of Intent to attend Nationally Ranked Aurora University to play football for the Spartans.


  • Prom Committee please stop in Mrs. Nambo’s room during homeroom today.

  • All those who went to Kentucky with Fr. Ronald, please see him now during homeroom.

  • Fatima Mandujano and Grace Gahan.  Please see Fr. Ronald.

  • Any Scholastic Bowl members, please see Mr. Steben.

  • Johnny Brown and Chipper Rossi to the main office now please.