Daily Announcements - Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020
Marcia Wagner
Sometimes we fall down because there is something down there, we're supposed to find..
Following students see Mrs. Plankenhorn today Elliot Quartucci, Perla De La Torre, Matthew Pozzi, and Hunter Savage.
Attention: All Inter Act members there is a meeting this Thursday after school at 1:40 in the shelter. Donuts provided. New members always welcome!
Payment for See You at the Pole t-shirts can be made to Fr. Ronald.
Eucharistic ministers who have not been trained are to come to the collaborative room during lunch. Bring your lunch with you.
Thanks to Owen Espel. For his Eagle Scout project, he built a fire pit in the park and restored the over 100- year-old metal benches and chairs.
Now that we've had a long weekend, let's think again of our hungry sisters and brothers and bring food items in for the blue food carts.
Juniors - Listen carefully to this PSAT test information! Tomorrow morning you need to enter the building through the PSC doors. This is a regular schedule 1 dress code day. - You must be in your testing room, pencils sharpened, sitting in your seat, ready to begin testing by 7:50 am – the test will conclude at approx. 11:30 am. You will be dismissed by your room supervisor when your entire classroom is finished testing. - Check your room assignment today in Google Classroom so you know exactly where to go tomorrow morning. - Room assignments are also posted in Mrs Prushinski’s classroom - Leave your cell phone, smart watch, Chromebook and all electronic devices in your car! Do not bring them into the building – You are responsible to bring the following items:
Calculator - TI-84 or a 4-function calculator - Email Ms Bernabei to have your calculator approved BEFORE test day if you have a calculator other than the ones listed. - If you need to borrow a calculator do this today. DO NOT wait until tomorrow morning to find a calculator! We will not have calculators available to borrow on the morning of the test.
Back-up calculator and/or extra batteries, just in case.
2-3 sharpened pencils and a good eraser - No Mechanical pencils
Go to bed early tonight and eat a good breakfast tomorrow so you can earn a score that reflects your true ability!
Jacob Schirz and Lucy Kleczewski please see Mrs. Plankenhorn.
Varsity boys basketball from 4:00-5:15 and Fresh/Soph 5:15-6:30 all week
Students if you ordered Dennis Uniform Jackets please pick them up in Mrs. Prokup's office.
REMINDER: Dennis uniform jackets are the only approved jackets for students to wear in classes. Hoodies are NOT allowed
Mrs. Cox's G period Precalculus class to report to room 226B
If you ordered pictures or a retake package please see Mr. Hancock to pick them up.