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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, September 22, 2022

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  • SAT Word of the Day: Polyglot- Knowing or using several languages

  • Last Supper Club this evening at Jack's at 129 E Devlin in Spring Valley at 6 o'clock.  Cost is $15. You can pay Fr. Ronald during school or this evening. 

  • Lectio TODAY during 1st and 2nd lunches.   We will meet in Mr. H's room #141 at the south end of the 1st floor.  

  • Open Gym for boys’ basketball from 3:30-5:00 for Monday and Tuesday (26th & 27th)

  •  The Online Store is now open to order Homecoming Shirts! Last day to order is Saturday, September 24th. A text was sent out with the store link.

  • Students- if you are in a club or sport that is participating in the parade please remember to have a sign that identifies your team/club name. Also feel free to have additional decorations and candy to throw! It is a longer route so plan accordingly.

  • There is still time to participate in the Homecoming parade as a team, club or just a “student section” float. If interested please see Mrs. Nambo or Mr. Steben ASAP.

  •  Service hour opportunity: Downtown Peru will be decorated for the parade. We will need volunteers to help clean windows/collect decorations. Please see Mr. Steben or Mrs. Nambo if you are interested.

  • If you participate in Last Supper club and want to be part of the Homecoming Parade, see Fr. Ronald.

  •  Variety show participants, please meet in the gym to rehearse between 7-9 tonight.

  • Any girl that is planning on participating in softball this year, Mrs Griggs needs volunteers to work 1-hour time slots for the homecoming game between 12-4.  Please email Mrs. Griggs if you can help or stop by her classroom today or Monday.

  •  Congrats to Gianna Grivetti in her performance in the Ottawa Pirates invitational yesterday. Gianna fired an 84 for 9th Place overall

  • SBA Football Hogfest is this Saturday, September 24th from 4-8pm at the Shelter! $10 will get you a Pork Sandwich, 2 sides, dessert, and a bottle of water! Dine in or drive thru! Also, join us for some College Football on the big screen!!! Tickets are available in the main office!

  •  Heritage Club members have until FRIDAY (tomorrow) to sign up for shirts/sweaters. See Miss Gavina or Mrs. Rynkewicz.

  • Jack Maschmann and Mason Moreno please see Mr. Hancock during homeroom. Bring you Chromebooks!

  •   Seniors: Elks Teen of the Month applications are now available!  Check your student email!


  • Lorelei Denny, Lexi Heemstra, and Christopher Gedraitis please see Mrs. Hurst in the main office during homeroom

  • Hayden Arkins, Lea Asani, Addison Bontz, John Brady, Connor Brown, Ben Burke, Ali Arslan, Kylie Cofoid, Kristal De La Torre, & Alyssa Engels please see Mrs. Nambo in homeroom today.

  • Seniors who wish to be in this year’s Senior Skit for the variety show should meet in the Perino Science Center during Homeroom.