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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, September 20, 2022

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Authentically joyful persons stand out.  Other people will stop to take notice.

  • Variety show rehearsals begin this Thursday, September 22.  Participants can practice their act anytime between 7pm-9 in the gym.  If you haven’t signed up yet please get the google code from the info posters posted on bulletin boards throughout the school or see Mrs. Griggs.

  • SBA Football Hogfest is this Saturday, September 24th from 4-8pm at the Shelter! $10 will get you a Pork Sandwich, 2 sides, dessert, and a bottle of water! Dine in or drive thru! Also, join us for some College Football on the big screen!!! Tickets are available in the main office!

  • Last Supper Club on Thursday at Jack's in Spring Valley.  Cost is $15.  Sign-up SOON on bulletin board near Fr. Ronald's office.

  • Watch for more information on Lectio groups this week.

  • Still need more food to fill the Blue Cart.  Remember our hungry sisters and brothers.

  •  Juniors & seniors check your email to find a list of college and financial aid events happening this semester at SBA. College Information Night, presentation from the UIUC admissions rep, FAFSA, financial aid & scholarship info and more!!

  •  Seniors: if you are unable to attend Rotary this semester because you are enrolled in the E2C Psychology class you might be able to attend 2nd semester after this class has ended. See Ms. Bernabei or Mrs. Hurst and pick up a permission form and information sheet.

  • Next Tuesday, Sept 27th, during lunch periods, the ISAC representative will be in the Loft to help seniors set up their FSA ID and get their FAFSA started. You will need your Chromebook, social security number and cell phone. Sign up with Ms. Bernabei to attend.

  • Students, please do not sit or stand on the new padding in the gymnasium.  The padding and structure are not designed for those purposes.  Once again, please do not sit or stand on the new padded areas within the gym.  Thank you


  • The following students please see Abbot Michael near the Loft today during homeroom: Micah Huetteman and Noah Buck.

  • Alivia Payne, Carsyn Hartford, and Logan Pineda please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office immediately thank you!

  • Harrison Fess and Guss Burr please see Mrs. Nambo in the Main Office During Homeroom Please.