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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, September 15, 2022

Guest User

God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference. 

  • Congratulations to the girl’s cross-country team finishing second in an 8 team meet Tuesday at Baker Park in Peru. Lady Bruins were led by Aleda Hoogland 12th, Macy Zeglis 15th, Jaelyn Weber 22nd, Madelyn Torrance 23rd, and Sierah Shaver 25th, for the guys, they were led by Greyson Marincic 13th place followed by Haiden Ator 29th.

  •  Happy Hispanic Heritage Month and Happy Mexican Independence Day from the Heritage Club!

  • There will be a Heritage Club meeting on Friday, Sept. 16 in Miss Gavina's room (115). 

  •  Powderpuff ticket sales for junior and senior girls will be during both lunches Thursday and Friday. Sign-up fee is $10 for a T-shirt. Please get t-shirt sizes of 2 adult coaches to Ms. Brady before Friday. 

  • Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to be a special guest of the LaSalle Rotary at the student Luncheon meeting at the Uptown on Wed, Sept, 21.  

  •  Congratulations to Gianna Grivetti on Her 4th Place finish at the TRAC Golf Tournament yesterday with a 93. Gianna earned First team All-Conference honors with her finish