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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, September 2, 2022

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  • Esports is starting up again!  Many new tournaments, and several games added this year. Meet in the computer lab during homeroom if you’re interested.  Or join Google Classroom, Code: vl2ggvg

  •  If you haven’t paid the $15 for Spirit Day Shorts, please do this ASAP!!!! It is Due!

  •  Mrs. Prokup is still looking for students to volunteer at the Abbatial Blessing and luncheon for Abbot Michael being held on September 3rd. Please come to Room 135 if interested. We have a sign-up sheet on the door.

  •  Fall Athletes!!!! Please wear Jerseys or game day attire to the Pep Assembly today.

  •  "It's time for Friday Night Lights at the Academy!  That means the Bedan Club will be grilling up your favorite Pork Chop Sandwiches and Brats again.  Check out our giveaway on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to be entered to win a FREE pork chop sandwich or a FREE brat."

  •  Next time you are really hungry, please remember our sisters and brothers who often cannot satisfy their hunger. Let's fill the BIG BLUE CART

  •   Golf Team is to be Dismissed after F Period.

  •   Congratulations to the following eleven students who have earned national recognition from the College Board as a result of their high academic achievements in school and their outstanding performance on the 2021 PSAT/NMSQT.  Junior Daliayah Farris and seniors Lea Asani, Kylie Cofoid, Kristal De La Torre, Gianna Grivetti, Johnathon Hackney, Landon Jackson, Lilylu Rauhfernandez, Gavin Sandoval, Madelyn Torrance and Isabella Villalobos.


  • All those that have volunteered to help on Saturday with the Abbatial blessing please be sure to see Mrs. Prokup during homeroom today!!!! 

  •  Can the following students see Mr. Hancock during homeroom and BRING YOUR CHROMEBOOKS! Jaxon Kozak, Jordan Coventry, Madalyn Dittmar, Halden Hueneburg, Violet Lopez, and Alivia Payne

  • There will be a Heritage Club meeting on Tuesday during homeroom in Miss Gavina's room (115). Current and new members must attend. Bring your Chromebook if you have not joined the Google Classroom. 

  • There are still Spirit Wear orders in the main office. Please come get them today during Homeroom: Here are the orders left to be picked up: Taylor, Loebach, Pegram, Zhang, Koehler, and Narczewski