ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, August 29, 2022
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Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up.
Ø Congratulations to Logan Potthoff shooting a 77, Brendon Pillion & Jake Delaney each with an even par 72 the trio finished 9th 4th and 3rd place leading your Bruin Golf team to a 3rd place finish with a score of 315 at the Riverdale Brinkmeyer tournament on Friday.
Ø Locker Maintenance will be taking place today, please know that your lockers may be opened by the company throughout the day.
All western wear participants, please meet Mrs. Griggs outside the gym immediately after the announcements for a yearbook photo on gym stairs.
Last Supper Club, this evening, at JoJo's in Cherry. Bus LEAVES at 5;40 from the science center. Those driving are to be there at 6:00.
Still no food in the blue cart. Please remember our hungry sisters and brothers.
Are you interested in learning about other cultures from around the world? Are you excited about meeting new people? How about trying new food? Join Heritage Club! See Miss Gavina or Mrs. Rynkewicz today to sign up.
Don’t forget to stop by the Main Office for Rotary Club Information if you are interested.
Mrs. Prokup is looking for 22 students to volunteer at the Abbatial Blessing and luncheon for Abbot Michael being held on September 3rd. Please come to Room 135 if interested. We have a sign-up sheet on the door.
If you ordered spirit wear or school jackets please see Mrs. Prokup in Room 135.
Dani Zeglis, Katelyn Harth, and Erin Dove, please see Mr. Hancock during Homeroom. BRING YOUR CHROMEBOOKS!
The dodgeball tournament will begin at 7:30 tonight in the gym. Teams are posted outside of Miss Brady's door, room 118.
Meeting for all Stage Rats tomorrow during homeroom in room 15 of the Science Center. Important information about Theatre Fest will be discussed. Remember to join the Google Classroom and the Remind group. Don't miss this meeting about some fun opportunities coming up in the next few months.
Lily Soliman please see Abbot Michael near the Loft today during homeroom.
Ava Balestri please come see Mrs. Nambo in the Main Office during homeroom.