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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, February 10, 2025

Guest User

  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • venerable (adj.) deserving of respect because of age or achievement 

      • The VENERABLE Supreme Court justice had made several key rulings in landmark cases throughout the years.

  • Valentine's Day is Friday. Let's show the love for our hungry brothers and sisters by bringing in donations for the Food Pantry! 

  • There will be a meeting for Musical Crew members in Room 202 during homeroom on Tuesday.

  • Ms. Marx’s D period Health Class, please report to the Fish Bowl, Room 15, for the rest of the week.

  • Congrats to our wrestlers who qualified for regionals this past weekend: Mikey Benge, Garrett Connelly, Jordan Coventry, Max Moreno, and Logan Pineda.

  • Congrats to Maddie Fabish for advancing to girls bowling regionals this past weekend!

  • There will be a paid Jeans Day on Friday.  Please bring $3.00 to support the St. Bede Clubs. No hooded or crop-top sweatshirts or tank tops. Jeans must be in good repair with no holes or rips.

  • Scholastic Bowl this week: match today home VS Putnam County. Meet in the Art Studio after school. Wednesday at Dwight bus leaves after school from the PSC.

  • There will be a prom committee meeting during homeroom tomorrow in the refectory.

  • E - A - G - L - E - S ! Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles for their dominating and decisive victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. Fly, Eagles, fly. Love, Mrs. Rynkewicz 🦅


    • Will Phillip Gray, Greyson Marincic, Quinn McClain, and AJ Hermes please report to Mrs. Theisinger’s office during homeroom? Thank you!


    • Good luck to all the teams competing tonight:

      • Scholastic Bowl vs. Putnam County

      • F Green Boys BB vs. Bureau Valley