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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, December 9, 2024

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • eclectic (adj.) consisting of a diverse variety of elements

      • The Candlelight service had an ECLECTIC crowd: lawyers, artists, circus clowns, and investment bankers.

  • All students need to check their SBA email EVERY DAY so you don’t miss out on important information!!

  • Students please check your email for a message from Mrs. Theisinger. This would have been sent on Friday, December 6. Thank you in advance for providing feedback!

  • Thank you to the following SBASG members who spent most of their Sunday decking the halls and making spirits bright: AJ Hermes, Andrea Brander, Ariana Villava, Bailey Engels, Chase Riva, Emerald De la Torre, Greyson Marincic, Jose De la Torre, Lila Koehler, Maddie Dittmar, Phillip Gray, Quinn McClain, Ryan Soliman, Solomon Zhang, Stuart McGunnigal, Yannis Yong, Landon Balestri, Jackson Bogatitus, Parker McClain, Val Mendez, and Mary Simonetta. Please be respectful of their hard work by refraining from taking any decorations down!

  • Congratulations to your Scholastic Bowl team on their 4th place finish at Riverdale on Saturday and to Greyson Marincic on making the All-Tournament Team in 1st place answering 34 tossups, more than any other player.

  • Scholastic Bowl practice Tuesday and Thursday this week in the Art Studio.

  • Anime Club gathering on Tuesday at 3:00 Ms Marx room.

  • Scotland/Ireland travelers – the final departure meeting for students & parents is this week, Thursday, Dec 12th , at 6 pm in the PSC.  This is an important meeting! Please be there for last minute details.

  • Seniors – the FAFSA completion workshop is this week Wednesday, Dec 11th , 5:30 – 8 pm in the fishbowl. Check your email for important documents you will need to bring and steps you need to complete before the workshop.


  • Ambassadors - we will meet in the Fishbowl.


  • Good luck to all the teams competing today:

    • SO, V boys BB @ Hall

    • F (green) boys BB @ Indian Creek

    • V girls bowling @ Morton

    • SO, V girls BB @ Putnam County

  • St. Bede wrestling placed 14th out of 20 teams at a very tough Seneca Irish Invite over the weekend. Two Bruins walked away with medals on Saturday. Mikey Benge earned 3rd place in the 113 lb. weight class and Max Moreno placed 2nd in the 126 lb. weight class. Congratulations to both of the freshman varsity wrestlers!