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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, September 28th

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People don't walk around with signs.  But, everyone's struggling with something.  When we are mindful of this, we are gentler with others.

  • CONGRATULATIONS to this year’s DAR (Daughter’s of the Revolution) winner Ben Koyak and our SAR (Sister’s of the Revolution) winner Duncan Lawler.  These gentlemen were 2 of the 6 nominated by the faculty and then voted on by their class.  Students are nominated and voted on for their leadership, dependability, service and patriotism towards others and the community! 

  • The yearbook staff would like to add comments and quotes in this year’s yearbook on events held throughout the school year.  A survey has been emailed to all students.  Please complete as soon as possible.

  • Reminder to the yearbook staff: There will be a meeting after school this Friday to finalize the theme/cover ideas.  Please try to attend if you would like to help with the theme and cover.

  • Model United Nations meeting today after school in the Refectory.

  • Lectio during lunch periods on tomorrow in the room across from the main office.  Lunch provided.  If you cannot attend, please let Fr. Ronald know. 

  • Last Supper Club on Thursday to Garzanelli's.  Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's office door on 2nd floor. Please get your name on the list.

  • The LaSalle County Historical Society is requesting help with the Burgoo this year.  Students can earn as many hours as they want to work.  Help is needed on October 9th and 10th from 8:00am until the evening both days.  Students will be helping with vendor placement, being runners for the organizers, etc.  There are many tasks and they need lots of help. Students can work a couple of hours or all day.  See Mr. McGunnigal for more information.


  • SBASG Representatives will meet in the following rooms

  • Freshmen – Conference Room (across from Main Office); Sophomores – Collaborative Room; Juniors – Refectory; Seniors – The Loft

  • Payton Giordano, Madison McGunnigal, Brady Flanagan, and Erin Gray please report for your homeroom meetings now.

  • Tyler Jordan please see Mrs. Plankenhorn now.

  • Ava Manicki see coach cummings during homeroom