ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, September 3, 2024
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SAT Word of the Day:
affluent – adj. Wealthy
The AFFLUENT donor helped the hospital stay out of debt.
There is a pair of golf shoes in the main office from Friday. Whoever is missing them, please come claim them.
Wanted: SBA students interested in Fall Theatre. Are you interested in acting? Would you rather work behind the scenes? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then come to The Fall Theatre informational meeting! Come to room 213 this Thursday after school to learn more!
All Scotland/Ireland travelers who missed last week’s evening meeting please go to the fishbowl now.
College Information Night for Parents & Students is tomorrow night in the PSC at 6 pm. The information is geared toward seniors but all grade levels are invited to attend. It’s never too early to start planning for your future!
Will the following students please report to the main office: Jordan Coventry, Madalyn Dittmar, Avery Entrican, Dominic Fonderoli, Mirella Haskell, Kathleen Hunter, Victoria Mendez, Ryan Nawa, & Marco Rizzi.
Halden Hueneburg & Gus Burr, please stop by Mr. Steben’s office.