ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Life always offers you a second chance. It's called tomorrow.
SAT Word of the Day:
maxim – n. a short, pithy statement of truth
He was a firm believer in the MAXIM “A stitch in time saves nine”.
Last Supper Club outing tomorrow evening at Mongolian Grill at 6:00 P.M. Get your name on the sign-up sheet on board outside Fr. Ronald's office.
If you need service hours you can show up at the St Bede gym for this Saturday's plant sale. Mr Fitz has a sign up in the physics room for help running the heirloom vegetable sale. You can work a couple hours or the whole sale.
Fr. Dom’s E2 class will meet in room 220 on Thursday, May 9th.
1-3 Students are needed to help with a mailer for the Spring Appeal - see Mr. Davy for details
The Boys tennis team lost to Morris 1-4 last night, but notching a victory at #1 doubles were Tyler Walsh & Noah Buck. The Bruins travel to Streator on Thursday and look to even up the series their series with the Bulldogs.
Ambassadors, please report to the Loft. Bring your planner.