ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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Faith doesn't make things easy. It makes them possible.
SAT Word of the Day:
Scurrilous (SKUR-ill-us) – adj. spreading disparaging claims about someone to damage their reputation; slanderous
The Burn Book was filled with SCURRILOUS descriptions of their classmates.
Let's fill the Big Blue Cart with food one more time before the end of the school year.
Seth Ferrari, Jadyn Martin, and Anna Rudenko, the yearbook is waiting for your survey results. Please get it done immediately (if not sooner). This is necessary for the senior section of the yearbook.
Want to shape campus life at St. Bede? Join Student Government and grab your petitions from Ms. Brady to make your mark. There are openings for executive members and class representatives. Be the voice of change, lead initiatives, and create a vibrant community. Petitions are due by THIS FRIDAY - step up and join us today!
There will be a podcast club meeting after school today in room 213. This is a mandatory meeting, as we will be taking the yearbook photo.
All girls track and field athletes, please report to the Perino Science Center after school today before heading out to the track for practice.
Are you interested in reading the daily announcements next year? If so, come to the Loft for a short meeting.
Any student planning on participating in Bass Fishing and who responded to Mr. Armato's email, please report to the refectory immediately during homeroom.
Max Bray, Anna Rudenko please see Ms. Bernabei.