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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Monday, January 25, 2021

Marcia Wagner

God is in control and we can count on him to help us overcome every obstacle.

  • Let's get the blue cart filled, again. We will then deliver food for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Just think. It's only 11 months till Christmas!

  • Next Friday – January 29 – will be a ‘wear your sweatpants’ day sponsored by student government. All of the money will be donated to The Polar Plunge in support of students with special needs. A $5.00 donation is requested. We can’t jump in the icy water this year, but we can warm some hearts with our donation.

  • There will be no behind the wheel driving tomorrow or Wednesday. Mr. Filippini will email those it effects so check your emails.

  • Tomorrow all instruction will be delivered remotely to ALL students. As students are leaving today they should have ALL materials to learn remotely TOMORROW. We will use our semester 2 Tuesday bell schedule. Attendance will be taken EVERY period and ALL students are expected to be in attendance the ENTIRE day. Study halls will not need to report for attendance.

  • Period F PE report to room 118 today for class.