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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, May 8, 2023

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Eventually, we need to get out of the driver's seat of our lives and let God be the driver. 

  • STUDENTS!!!! Lunch Room EXPECTATIONS: Please clean up your tables when you are done eating lunch. It is your responsibility to pick up after yourselves. Also, the noise level in the Refectory needs to be lowered. These are the lunch room expectations we need you to follow each and every day! Thank You!

  • If you did not pick up your Athletic Awards at the Athletic Banquet last night, please pick them up today from Mr. Hancock.

  • SUMMER WORKERS NEEDED! CORTEVA agriscience is looking for summer help with miscellaneous field tasks, plant inoculation, pollinating, plant measurements, and more!!!! If interested, please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office. *Must be 16 years of age to apply!

  • Still accepting boxes of cereal and other food for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  •  Watch for announcement about final Last Supper Club outing of the year.

  •  Hey Ambassadors! We will meet after school on Wednesday this week. You will need your phone.

  •  Peer tutoring will take place in room 225 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!


  • Coco Wu to Mrs. Wagner's office Now

  •  Aubree Acuncius, Jeanna Ladzinski, Jack Maschmann, Abraham Wiesbrock, and Grace Millington please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office Now