ANNOUNCEMENTS -Thursday, December 1, 2022
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Love is a choice, not a feeling -- and it's a choice that proves itself with action.
SAT Word of Day: Refute- prove to be wrong or false
Still time to get toys in. Remember how you looked forward to Christmas morning as a child. Give some less fortunate children a great Christmas morning.
NET Days Sophomores today and Freshmen tomorrow. Jean Day dress code for those on NET days. The days begin after Period A. Let us keep them and the NET team in our prayers.
Seniors interested in pursuing the skilled trades after graduation, especially electricians and welders: a representative from Marquis Energy in Hennepin will be here on Dec 9th during period G to share information about their paid apprenticeship opportunities. Sign up now in the counseling office.
Will the following students please see Mrs. Makransky during homeroom:
Daliayah Farris, Tanayiah Allison, Arianna Heersink, and Celeste Thompson