ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, November 16, 2022
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The ways of the Lord may not be easy, and at times may be very difficult, but they are almost always simple.
SAT Word of Day: Tout-attempt to sell something by aggressively pestering
Where can you see kings, queens, dragons AND puppets? At Fall Theatre this weekend! Join us at 7:30 pm in the abbey church lecture hall for three short children's plays. Saint Bede students get in free, and so do all grade school children. So, bring your younger brothers and sisters. Fun for all ages!
Blood drive permission slips are due TODAY! Please drop them off in Ms. Brady’s room. Extra copies can be found in the main office.
Today is your last chance to sign up for the blood drive, please see Miss Brady today if you'd like to donate.
Last Supper Club tomorrow at Cafe Grace. Transportation available. Sign-up sheet outside Fr. Ronald's office. Please sign up before end of school-today.
Girls' Teens Encounter Christ weekend the first weekend of December. See Fr. Ronald for more information.
Are you handy? See Fr. Ronald. He needs help putting a small bookcase together.
Peer tutoring will take place in room 111 after school until 3:30 for all interested students. We look forward to seeing you!
SBASG executive board please see Miss Brady now!
Joe Bima, Addison Derlein, Makenzie Hanson, Tegan Hewitt, Oliva Orteza, Hunter Savage, Amy Tran, Katie Zeller, Jaelyn Weber please come to the counseling office now.
Today’s Lunch
Sloppy Joes w/ Waffle Fries