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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Friday, September 3rd

Guest User

Giving is more than a responsibility-it is a privilege; more than an act of obedience-it is evidence of our faith.

Ø Juniors and seniors that have D period study hall today may sign out early. If you sign out you MUST leave campus. Starting next week juniors and seniors in H period study hall may sign out early. If you are on the weekly eligibility list, you may not sign out.

Ø Faculty and staff all cars need to be moved from the court yard by noon today. Once school dismisses at 11:20 please move your vehicle to the student parking lot.

Ø Attention SBA seniors, The Elks Teen of the Month application is now available. Be sure to read the application instructions carefully BEFORE you begin! The application can be found on the SBA guidance website at .

Ø We have lots of spirit wear and uniform jackets that need to be picked up in Mrs Prokup’s office before three pm today. Her office is next to Mr. Hejmanowski’s religion classroom. Look for room 135

Ø Period C PE, please meet in Mrs. Griggs classroom in the old library. (down from Mrs. Bruner’s room) look for the banner. Bring study materials.


Ø Anthony Taylor see Mrs. Prokup now. Room 135