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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Monday, August 30th

Guest User

Stewardship is the use of God-given resources for the accomplishment of God-given goals.

Ø  Let's be good stewards with what has given us.  Please bring in food items for hungry sisters and brothers.  Put food in the blue cart in the science center.

Ø  Last Supper Club.  Tomorrow. 6:00 P.M. Mongolian Grill.  $13.  Sign up TODAY either on main bulletin board or Fr. Ronald's office on 2nd floor so we can get number to the restaurant.

Ø  First Lectio sessions will be during all 3 lunches on Wednesday.  Details tomorrow.

Ø  Any freshman interested in running for SBASG Representative can pick up a petition outside of Mr. McGunnigal’s office this week.

Ø  Anyone interested in joining yearbook, please join google classroom. Code: blj2jty Our first meeting will be September 2 after school in Mrs. Griggs room. (the old library. Look for the St. Bede banner past Mrs. Bruner’s room)

Ø  If you ordered a school uniform jacket, please see Mrs. Prokup. 


Ø  Alana Frasch and Paige Tomaseski please see Mrs. Nambo in the main office now.

Ø  There will be a meeting for Heritage Club members tomorrow in the Refectory during homeroom If you have not signed up with Mrs. Rynkewicz (that includes previous members!), you must see her today. Get your name on the list!