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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, March 23, 2021

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In a world filled with change, the stability of God is comforting.  When faced with unexpected challenges, we can always take refuge in Him.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Gregory Haas. Mr. Haas is a 1969 Golden Bedan graduate and is a retired IBM employee, which is generously matched by IBM. We are blessed for decades of his kindness and support. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Rubi De La Torre, Grace Mertel, Jaelyn Weber, and Lea Asani please come to the school office now!

  • The WYSE team needs to report to the PSC for a photo and medal distribution NOW!

  • Bri Briggs' father died yesterday. Please remember him and Bri in your prayers.

  • Please continue to keep L-P freshman, Jaiden Allen and his family in your prayers.  We have sent a gift to be added to the scholarship being established in his name.

  • STUDENTS:  Thank you all so much for having your school ID’s out and ready when attending the homecoming game on Saturday.  Same rules apply for this Friday!  You must present your school ID for admittance.  Those few students that gave me your names last week, we still have that list.  If you are planning on coming and do not have your school ID see Mrs. Plankenhorn NOW! You must have a school ID or a ticket for admittance.

  • Seniors: if you have not turned in your senior night forms for Friday due so TODAY to Mr. McLaughlin

  • Students please have a mask from home with you upon entering school.