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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, March 19, 2021

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Be yourself.  Everyone else is taken.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Dr. Mary Lukancic and husband Martin Salvino. Dr. Lukancic is a 1982 graduate and practices medicine in River Forest. We are blessed for decades with their kindness and generosity. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today

  • Friday lectio group meets RIGHT NOW in Mr. H's room on the first floor.

  • Rosary RIGHT NOW in the blessed sacrament chapel.

  • Over the weekend, please put some food items aside to bring in on Monday to add to the blue cart.

  • Where we are after yesterday's Lenten collection:  Seniors $204/900; Juniors $585/1,290; Sophomores $494/585; Freshmen $1,258/990 -  OVERALL $2,794/4.065

  • Varsity Boys Basketball please meet in the commons now for a team picture!

  • Seniors, please check your email for important senior information.

  • Mrs. Griggs is still waiting on a few softball players to reply with information about this season. If you are not playing please let her know.

  • Seniors: reminder to get your 3 little known facts in.

  • STUDENTS:  If you are intending on attending the football game on Saturday you MUST present your school ID for admittance, you will NOT be admitted without it!  If you do not have an ID and are intending on coming to the game, see Mrs. Plankenhorn.

  • The locations for the dances on Saturday and Sunday are as follows:  Juniors and Seniors will both be in the gym on Saturday night. On Sunday, the Freshmen will be in the gym and the Sophomores will be in the Perino Science Center. The dance is from 7-9 pm each night; please make sure you have rides home pre-arranged. Attendance at the dance will only be for those that have submitted their release form and paid the fee. No walk-ups will be allowed.

  • REMINDER: School will begin at 8:50 am on Monday, March 22

  • MASKS must be worn at all times at the football game tomorrow and social distancing guidelines will be strictly enforced.

  • Lia Asani please come to the school office NOW!