DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, February 18, 2021
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Loving God, give us the wisdom this Lent to distinguish between what is necessary and unnecessary, between our needs and our wants. What we save on our wants may we help others in their needs.
Our Donor of the Day is Joretta Ewald. Mrs. Ewald is the wife of the late Dr. Richard Ewald who graduated from St. Bede in 1952. We are grateful for her kindness and the support we have received for decades from the Ewald’s. Please keep Joretta in a special prayer of thanks today.
Please keep James Sanchez and his family in your prayers, his brother and St. Bede alum, Daniel (Br. Marion) passed away unexpectedly. May he rest in peace.
Juniors, please bring in your $60 payment to the business office for the ACT test. Due March 1st.
Scholastic Bowl practice today after school
Bella Hagenbuch please see Mrs. Plankenhorn now.
Congratulations to our second round of winners from our February Calendar Raffle: Michael Heuser, Mike Monn, Kevin Sampson, Mary Koplin, Janessa Hart, Annie Cole, and Lana & Gary Peterlin! Thank you for your support!
Softball uniforms need to be ordered by 11:59 pm tonight. If you haven’t ordered yet, please check your email for the link that Mrs. Griggs sent you.
Want to read a before meal prayer during Lent? We will start on Monday. If you want do so, there is a sign-up sheet in the main office.
Since we hope to deliver food to the pantry tomorrow, please bring in food items tomorrow. Our hungry sisters and brothers will benefit from our Lenten mercy.
Lectio groups will meet this coming week on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.