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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Thurs., August 15, 2019

Marcia Wagner

God is still writing your story. Quit trying to steal the pen.

Our Donor of the Day is Thomas Acker. Mr. Acker is 1950 graduate and lives in Alton, IL. He is loyal and generous supporter for decades and we are blessed with his kindness. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Today we are on a modified mass schedule. There will be no homeroom. 

  • Sophomore, Junior, and Senior students need to provide their spirit day t-shirt size to the student government representatives at lunch. They will be at a table outside the refectory today and tomorrow. No orders will be taken on Friday. All students that do not provide a size will have a large assigned to them. No payment is necessary, as the amount is included in your student fees. 

  • Senior students that would like to order spirit day shorts will have to pay $10 to the representatives outside the refectory and provide the size they’d like to have. No orders will be taken without a payment. The deadline is TODAY. Mrs. Manning will accept payments in her classroom (231) until 2:45 pm if you aren’t able to sign up at lunch. Again, no orders will be taken on Friday. 

  • All students should follow the schedule that is in teacher ease at this time. If you printed your schedule several days ago you need to double check that it is still the same schedule that is in teacher ease today. If you have a question or problem see Ms Bernabei. 

  • Any student who thinks they may need a schedule change needs to see Ms. Bernabei by Monday, Aug 19th. There will be no schedules changes made after this date.

  • Reminder of meeting times today: 10th grade period G, 11th grade period C, and 12th grade period H: Report for your designated class period to the Abbey Church Little Theatre.