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Thank you St. Bede families

Thanks to you the 2022 St. Bede Auction was a showstopper

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for being a part of our special, single-largest fundraising event of the year, the annual St. Bede Auction.

Together, we made it an amazing night. We made it successful. We made it beautiful. We were a family and we did it for St. Bede!

We surpassed our special events/auction year goal of $325,000.

Because of the magic in the room, we raised $TBD for the entire year of fundraising. The Fund-A-Need surpassed its goal of $125,000 by $15,900. 

Because of your generosity, we’ve made a huge difference for every student who attends St. Bede.

We look forward to celebrating with you in the years to come.

Join us next year for the 40th annual auction to be held Saturday, June 10, in the Perino Science Center.

Image of the new gym window clings

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