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Testimonial Entries

An opportunity to have a personal relationship with my teachers and classmates

Marcia Wagner

Saint Bede to me is an opportunity to have a personal relationship with my teachers and classmates. Extra-curricular activities are unique to Saint Bede because of the legacy and tradition known to students and alumni.

Xavier Braboy - Class of 2017

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Be a boarder, be a Bruin!

Marcia Wagner

St. Bede Academy provides the student body a whole person education to become academically competitive while maintaining good virtues in a caring and safe environment. Be a boarder, be a Bruin!

"Harry" Zi Lin Wang, St. Bede Class of 2016; Boston University Class of 2020

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Once a Bruin, Always a Bruin

Marcia Wagner

I can confidently say that I feel beyond prepared for college due to SBA's wonderful staff and admin. I may not be mentally prepared to leave the school that was my home for the last 4 years but physically I have never felt more prepared. I hope to be able to return home in a few years and undertake in all the extraordinary activities SBA has to offer as an alumnus. Once a bruin always a bruin.

Amber Meagher, Class of 2021

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