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8th Grade Open House

Join us for the 8th Grade Open House! All 8th Grade students from the towns surrounding Peru, IL are welcome. Sign up for raffles, including free tuition for one year!

St. Bede Academy
8th Grade Open House
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 6:30pm

Are you considering St. Bede Academy for your student’s high school education? Join us for a night on campus! Meet teachers, coaches, priests, and current students of the Academy, learn about our many clubs and sports, see what classes are like, and learn more about why St. Bede is WHERE YOU BELONG!

Families do not need to RSVP to attend, but all who fill out this form will be entered into raffles for items such as exclusive spirit wear, free uniforms, and even a year of free tuition!

Fill out the information below to let us know you will be there. We look forward to seeing you here!